Ally.COM : Shabbir Ally's material is here. Shabbir is known for
his good debating skills and he is one of the top Muslim debators. You
can listen to some of the debates here. His video lectures are available
at Let The Qur'an Speak.
Zakir Naik.COM: Dr. Zakir Naik is perhaps the only speaker and
debator among Muslims who is comfortable with discussion almost any religion
is the world. He is very fast when it comes to recalling the verses from
the Qur'an as well as the Bible, all from memory. His debates are a treat
to watch!
Website: The website with some good stuff! Maintained by Hesham
Azmy who also contributes for Islamic
Allahumma: An upwardly mobile site and can do better by doing
some thorough work. Managed by Mohammad Elfie Nieshaem Juferi or MENJ
in short.
Islam: Nice site with gentle discussion that needs improvement.
Maintained by Lamaan Ball.
Party of Britain: They publish a magazine called Common
Sense that has very interesting articles on contemporary affairs.
Dr. Sahib Mustaqim Bleher, a German convert to Islam, heads the party.
Featured websites
Ameenah Bilaal Philips' Official Website:
You can read his biography (and autobiography!), ask questions, read
about his friends and get an idea about the books that he has written.
Also see the portion of his book The
Fundamentals of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism). A MUST
read for anyone wanting to become a Muslim or even a Muslim!
Q & A: A very comprehensive
site with questions and answers on a very wide range of Islamic-related
topics. It provides intelligent, authoritative and unapologetic responses
- supported by evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Anyone can submit
questions and the responses are composed by Shaykh Muhammed
Salih Al-Munajjid, an Islamic lecturer and author. |