A Rock Inscription From Makkah, 80 AH / 699-700 CE

Islamic Awareness

© Islamic Awareness, All Rights Reserved.

First Composed: 19th May 2013

Last Modified: 28th June 2013

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Assalamu ʿalaykum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu:



Figure: (a) Original inscription and (b) its content.


80 AH / 699-700 CE.

Size & Script

Written in ḥijāzī script.


The translation of the inscription is:

  1. God, pardon A
  2. l-Walīd bin Maʿbud and forgive
  3. his sins. And inscribed
  4. in the year eighty. And he seeks from God
  5. dwelling in Paradise and message-carrying (?)
  6. angels.


The long, slender and slightly inclined form of writing is reminiscent of ḥijāzī script.


Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

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[2] Muḥammad b.ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Rāshad al-Thenyian, Nuqūsh Al-Qarn Al-Hijrī Al-Awwal Al-Muʾrakhat Fī Al-Mamlakah Al-ʿArabiyyah Al-Saudia, 2015, Riyaḍ, pp. 71-72, Plate 8(b).

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