A Qur'anic Manuscript From 1st Century Hijra: Part Of Surah al-An‘am
Islamic Awareness
© Islamic Awareness, All Rights Reserved.
First Composed: 19 April 2000
Last Updated: 19 April 2000
1st century hijra.
46 cm. x 31 cm.
Surah al-An‘am. Verses number : Part of verse 5 to 19 and part of 20.
The page is eroded from its left side. The script leans a little to the right. The letters points are in balance with the diacritical dots, as most of the letters in this page have points.
Maktabat al-Jami‘ al-Kabir, San‘a' (Yemen).
[1] Memory Of The World: San`a' Manuscripts, CD-ROM Presentation, UNESCO.
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