Codex Arabe 330g – A Qur'ānic Manuscript From 1st Century Hijra

Islamic Awareness

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First Composed: 18th February 2012

Last Updated: 17th February 2018

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Assalamu ʿalaykum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu:






Folios from the manuscript Arabe 330g (a) 4r, (b) 16v, (c) 20r, (d) 25v and (e) Ms. 1611-MKH235.


1st century of hijra.

Accession Number

Arabe 330g

Size & Folios

Parchment manuscript with a size of 35.5 cm x 28.5 cm. Writing area: 28.5 cm x 24.5 cm. There are 19-22 lines per page.[1]

Total number of folios are 43 = 20 (Arabe 330g, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris) + 12 (Marcel 16, National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg) + 6 (Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151) + 4 (Is. 1615 II, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland) + 1 (Ms. 1611-MKH235, Beit al-Qur'an, Manama, Bahrain). Not taking into account fragmented folios, the rest contain about ~21% of the text of the Qur'an.

History Of The Manuscript

Not known.

Script & Ornamentation


The format is vertical, and the script which is thin and slender, also has a distinct vertical emphasis, without any slant to the right. The text is written in black ink. Diacritics are represented by oblique lines, and are partially worn. The qāf is recognizable to a stroke on the head of the letter. Vocalization is absent. Groups of two vertical rows of three or four oval dashes separate verses; groups of ten verses that were not originally identified are indicated by the addition of irregular black circles. The sūrahs are separated from each other by a gap. When the space was not left between sūrahs, the left over space between them was demarcated by two horizontal rows of points.

Ornamentation is absent. Folio 32v was not used presumably due to poor quality of the parchment.


The contents of the manuscript, as tabulated below, are gathered from the published data.

Folios Qur'anic Sūrah Image Publication Comments
1r 3:185 - 3:199 Arabe 330g
1v 3:200 - 4:10 Arabe 330g
2r 4:10 - 4:18 Arabe 330g
2v 4:19 - 4:25 Arabe 330g
3r 4:26 - 4:36 Arabe 330g
3v 4:37 - 4:49 Arabe 330g
4r 4:95 - 4:103 Arabe 330g
4v 4:103 - 4:116 Arabe 330g
5r 4:116 - 4:131 Arabe 330g
5v 4:131 - 4:144 Arabe 330g
6r 4:144 - 4:159 Arabe 330g
6v 4:159 - 4:172 Arabe 330g
7r 5:7 - 5:12 Ms. 1611-MKH235
7v Ms. 1611-MKH235
8r 5:18 - Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
8v Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
9r Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
9v Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
10r Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
10v Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
11r Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
11v Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
12r Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
12v - 5:106 Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
13r 6:19 - Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
13v - 6:41 Rennes Encheres 2011, Lot 151
14r 7:127 - 7:140 Arabe 330g
14v 7:141 - 7:150 Arabe 330g
15r 7:150 - 7:158 Arabe 330g
15v 7:158 - 7:168 Arabe 330g
16r 7:168 - 7:180 Arabe 330g
16v 7:181 - 7:195 Arabe 330g
17r 7:195 - 8:5 Arabe 330g
17v 8:5 - 8:19 Arabe 330g
18r 8:19 - 8:35 Arabe 330g
18v 8:36 - 8:46 Arabe 330g
19r 8:47 - 8:60 Arabe 330g
19v 8:60 - 8:72 Arabe 330g
20r 8:72 - 9:7 Arabe 330g
20v 9:7 - 9:19 Arabe 330g
21r 9:19 - 9:29 Arabe 330g
21v 9:29 - 9:38 Arabe 330g
22r 9:38 - 9:49 Arabe 330g
22v 9:50 - 9:62 Arabe 330g
23r 9:62 - 9:72 Arabe 330g
23v Arabe 330g
24r 9:72 - 9:83 Arabe 330g
24v 9:83 - 9:94 Arabe 330g
25r 9:94 - 9:104 Arabe 330g
25v 9:105 - 9:115 Arabe 330g
26r 9:116 - 9:126 Arabe 330g
26v 9:127 - 10:10 Arabe 330g
27r 10:10 - 10:21 Arabe 330g
27v 10:22 - 10:31 Arabe 330g
28r 27:66 - 27:86 Marcel 16
28v 27:86 - 27:93; 28:1 - 28:7 Marcel 16
29r 28:7 - 28:19 Marcel 16
29v 28:19 - 28:30 Marcel 16
30r 28:30 - 28:41 Marcel 16
30v 28:41 - 28:53 Marcel 16
31r 28:53 - 28:65 Marcel 16
31v 28:65 - 28:78 Marcel 16
32r 28:78 - 28:88 Marcel 16
32v 29:1 - 29:15 Marcel 16
33r 29:15 - 29:27 Marcel 16
33v 29:27 - 29:40 Marcel 16
34r 29:40 - 29:52 Marcel 16
34v 29:52 - 29:67 Marcel 16
35r 29:67 - 29:69; 30:1 - 30:13 Marcel 16
35v 30:14 - 30:28 Marcel 16
36r 30:28 - 30:40 Marcel 16
36v 30:41 - 30:54 Marcel 16
37r 30:55 - 30:60; 31:1 - 31:12 Marcel 16
37v 31:12 - 31:23 Marcel 16
38r 33:13 - 33:23 Marcel 16
38v 33:23 - 33:35 Marcel 16
39r 33:35 - 33:43 Marcel 16
39v 33:44 - 33:53 Marcel 16
40r 85:3 - 87:5 Is. 1615 II
40v 87:6 - 89:6 Is. 1615 II
41r 89:7 - 90:20 Is. 1615 II
41v 91:1 - 93:11 Is. 1615 II
42r 94:1 - 97:4 Is. 1615 II
42v 98:1 - 100:11 Is. 1615 II
43r 101:1 - 105:1 Is. 1615 II
43v 105:2 - 110:2 Is. 1615 II


Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (France); National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg (Russia); Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, (Ireland); Beit al-Qur'an, Manama (Bahrain); Private Collection.

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[1] F. Déroche, Catalogue Des Manuscrits Arabes: Deuxième Partie: Manuscrits Musulmans - Tome I, 1: Les Manuscrits Du Coran: Aux Origines De La Calligraphie Coranique, 1983, Bibliothèque Nationale: Paris, pp. 145-146

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